Why algorithms will never beat human beings when it comes to brand design
A brand is far more than a font and a logo, but these things do matter. So, I’ve found it surprising how many ads I keep seeing for programs that create logos through algorithms, not real designers.
I was curious, so I gave it a go. I entered the emotive words that describe my brand – modern, creative, playful, trustworthy – and clicked on a few bits of creative I liked. I entered my sector and pressed go.
This is just a selection of the 100+ logo options that came back.

Now, they’re not terrible – a bit clip arty with not a lot of consideration for typography – but my main concern is being able to justify my thinking if someone asked me to define my brand identity (‘I’m like a big cuddly teddy bear giving you moral support’? Erm… I don’t think so).
I’m happy discussing my current creative as it’s based on my truth and my story. My wordmark is a bold serif font to reflect my journalism roots. My colour palette is bold but simple to fit with how I work. And words are central to everything I do.
I’m comfortable that it expresses where my business is right now and I’m prepared to get an expert to help evolve it when the time is right.
Of course, your brand identity isn’t everything; your values, your business model, you – they’re the things that keeps clients and customers coming back for more.
But for now, I’ll carry on paying talented people to support me with brand design, because however clever AI is, it simply doesn’t have heart.
Need help defining your brand? Drop us a line at liz@clevercommsco.com